I'm just going to jump right in with this post because I simply cannot hold on anymore!
I went to the opening of Dreamland in Margate which is a vintage themed fairground with three of my friends. We intended on going on the rides before Marina and the diamonds came on - yep, that's right, you read it right - MARINA WAS PLAYING AH!
If you know me and are reading this post you'll probably know I'm a big fan of Marina and have been for the past few years. I play her songs so much that even my poor boyfriend knows all the words! (eek)
She was A-MA-ZING. Breath taking, I was three rows from the front *faints*. She's so flawless, I am literally becoming speechless typing this.
In the hour she was on she played: Happy, Forget, Bubblegum Bitch, Primadonna Girl, I am Not a Robot, Blue, Can't Pin Me Down, Better Than That, Froot, I'm A Ruin, Hollywood, Mowgli's Road, Savages and more!
I loved the way that she introduced everyone to her band and treated the audience like friends.
Now onto the good stuff, your typical mobile phone photos...

Bye for now
Emilie x x x
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