When it comes to leaving the house, I never feel like I have everything I need, not until my bag is literally bursting at the seams.
1. My phone - As sad and bad as it sounds, if I'm on my own, I will get so bored and feel so out of place if I don't have my phone on me because usually if i'm bored I'll go on Instagram or anything to keep my brain occupied for a while. As I rarely remember I'm wearing a watch, I'll use my phone to read the time (which means I'll actually go digging in my bag to find my phone instead of looking at my wrist, doesn't make sense I know).
2. Hairbrush - I honestly go mad if I have forgotten my hair brush, I hate it when my hair gets tangled and matted and I will always give it a brush now and again as I don't really want bird nests hair!
3. Purse - I like to have money on me, even if it's a small amount. You just never know when you're going to need 2p or £10.
4. Keys - Obviously keys are an essential, especially if no one is home to let you back in after.
5. Me - I think the whole idea of 'me' leaving the house without myself is impossible. It just doesn't make sense. Okay, I'll stop typing now, it's getting weird... .
Emilie x x x